Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles

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MCLA maintains a FREE database of Los Angeles' Mural History linking artists, murals and neighborhoods. The foundation of this database was shaped by Robin Dunitz' book "Street Gallery", the first true compilation of Los Angeles public murals. The MCLA website allows submissions of murals created recently in Los Angeles, forming an ever growing archive joining the historic with the new.

To email your submissions, please send high resolution digital images along with the name of artist(s), location, year size and medium to:

A replica of the central panel of a six-part mural painted by Ilario da Viterbo in 1393 in the sanctuary of Porciuncula Chapel in Italy, where St. Francis of Assisi established his order. Photo © Ian Robertson-Salt
Downtown LA
Photo: © Isabel Rojas-Williams
Estrada Courts
Photo: © Ulysses Jenkins
South Central LA
MB Hanraham, assisted by Steve Kanuff. Whimsical abstract depiction of floating sewing gadgetry. Photo: © Robin Dunitz
South Bay
Carlos Ortiz, then owner of the second floor Bridal Shop and sponsor of the project, was the model for the groom. His girlfriend at the time was the bride. Photo © Peter Mackertich
Downtown LA
The artist spent five years photographing life on Broadway while working for the Community Redevelopment Agency before painting his interpretation of Broadway street life. Currently in the Collection of the Peter Norton...
Downtown LA
The Carmel Mission as it was in the 1700's. Photo: © Robin Dunitz
San Fernando Valley
Jason, Spurn, Arco, PDB. Dr. Seuss-inspired imagery. Photo: © Robin Dunitz
Hollywood, Silverlake, Echo Park
Eva Cockcroft, assisted by Agustin Gonzalez, Otoño Luján, and Bill Agee. The theme is the imminent destruction of more wetlands. The mural is divided into three sections. In the large central portion is a vibrantly...
West LA, Santa Monica, Venice
"A contribution to the LA Freewalls Project, a continuing mural project in the artist district in Downtown Los Angeles." -Kofie. Photo © Ian Robertson-Salt. 
Downtown LA
