Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles

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MCLA maintains a FREE database of Los Angeles' Mural History linking artists, murals and neighborhoods. The foundation of this database was shaped by Robin Dunitz' book "Street Gallery", the first true compilation of Los Angeles public murals. The MCLA website allows submissions of murals created recently in Los Angeles, forming an ever growing archive joining the historic with the new.

To email your submissions, please send high resolution digital images along with the name of artist(s), location, year size and medium to:

Portrait of the filmmaker and entrepreneur on what used to be Spike Lee's Joint West, a hip fashion boutique. Photo: © Robin Dunitz
Hollywood, Silverlake, Echo Park
Children and adults from various cultures, some famous, some not, form a cavalcade across two walls. This community center is named after Douglas Dollarhide, who in 1961 became the first African American elected to the...
South Central LA
This mural depicted the advances of the human race, both good and bad. I was conveying the idea that when we progress technologically, it is on a horizontal plane. When we progress spiritually, it is on a vertical plane...
West LA, Santa Monica, Venice
On the exterior of La La Gallery in the Downtown L.A. Arts District. Photo © Ian Robertson-Salt
Downtown LA
Athletes including runners and swimmers. Photo © Stefan Merken | Photo © Robin Dunitz. 
Hollywood, Silverlake, Echo Park
"Together with B1 we wanted to promote love in this particular community of Pico Union. This mural was important because the presence of local gangs is very strong in this area and we aimed to spread the love instead of...
Mid City
The mural signifies transformation through migration in a celebration of cultural heritage.   Sponsored by LA County. photo © Pablo Serrano  
South Central LA
A reflection of the street facing the mural. The mural is very faded and peeling. Photo © Robin Dunitz.
West LA, Santa Monica, Venice
East Los Streetscapers (Wayne Healy, David Botello, Rich Raya), assisted by Lesley Grant, S. Transgrud, Daryl Wells, and Christine Wada. Health is broadly defined here, encompassing the health of the planet as well as...
East LA
