Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research.
6120 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90044. (click to view)
Prominently featured are United Farm Workers Union leaders Dolores Huerta, agricultural worker organizer Luisa Moreno, California Eagle editor Charlotta Bass, International Ladies Garment Workers Union organizer Rose Pesotta, and political activist Dorothy Healey. The text at the bottom left reads: "Our days shall not be sweated from birth untill life closes. Hearts starve as well as bodies; Give us Bread, but give us roses." (Bread and Roses, by James Oppenheim). The text at the bottom right reads: "They say I should be happy that my pay it aint too bad. They forget that I'm the only parent that my kids have ever had." (Ballad of a Working Mother, by Marilyn Major). Photo: © Robin Dunitz | Photo © Ian Robertson-Salt (last three)