Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles

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Stanton MacDonald Wright was an American artist who, along with Morgan Russell, helped develop Synchromism, an approach to art that was tangential to Cubism, that believed that color the central aspect to art. He was the California State Direct of the Federal Art Project from 1935-1942. He was also interested in East Asian history, culture, and philosophy. He lived in Kyoto, Japan and Santa Monica, California. (Robin K. Dunitz, Street Gallery, Guide to over 1000 Los Angeles Murals)

Evolution of Writing

Stanton MacDonald Wright
South Central LA

This mosaic of scholars and written languages dating back to neolithic times contains inscriptions in Chinese characters, Phoenician lett

Man's Imaginative and Inventive Development

Stanton MacDonald Wright
West LA, Santa Monica, Venice

Originally 38 panels of this mural covering 2,000 square feet filled all four walls in the main reading room of the Santa Monica Public L