Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles

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Monday, 19 August 2013 10:39

“Pass the Mural Ordinance Now”

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For over 10 years murals have been banned on private property across Los Angeles, compromising both jobs for artists and LA’s legacy as the mural capital of the world. But, after years of community meetings and countless visits to City Hall, the ban is expected to come to an end; two versions of the ordinance are being put forward to the city council, however, one allows murals on single-family homes if they are approved by community boards, the other prohibits them outright. A source close to the decisionmaking process says that some version will likely be passed. 

Twelve LA-based arts organizations including: Social and Public Art Resource Center (SPARC), Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles (MCLA), Venice Arts Council (VAC), Plaza de la Raza, Mobile Mural Lab (MML) Self Help Graphics & Art (SHG), Art Share LA, United Painters and Public Artists (UPPA), Mictlan Murals, Siqueiros Foundation of the Arts, Conservancy of Urban Art and LA Freewalls all agree, as stated in a letter to all LA City Councilmembers...

“For those council districts that want a mural free zone, we believe an overlay zone would be appropriate. The majority of communities that have supported murals in their districts for decades should not be penalized for those few districts that oppose murals. Our streets and neighborhoods are our museums. We owe the next generation an opportunity to contribute to and learn from the rich mural legacy that once made Los Angeles the Mural Capital of the World. Let’s regain this title by passing an ordinance that sends a message that the City of Los Angeles is a mural friendly city once again. The murals as expressions of our communities are worthy of respect by our representatives in the city council. The mural community has worked hard to help shape a mural policy that we all believe to be fair and just. When you have the majority of us who have made murals a key aspect of our artistic life, our voice should not be ignored. Today we give you a unified voice from our respective artistic communities, PASS THE MURAL ORDINANCE NOW!”

As an artist, arts group or art patron...let your voice be heard. Join us at City Council or contact your local Councilmember.

The council vote is scheduled for: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 @ 10:00 AM | JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL

For more information...
Social and Public Art Resource Center (SPARC) Debra J.T. Padilla, Executive
Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles (MCLA) Isabel Rojas Williams, Executive
Venice Arts Council (VAC) Suzanne Thompson,

Pic:  Young artists from North Hollywood High


NoHo Arts District