Three surreal fantastical characters march down the streets of Los Angeles blasting their new sound. Each fitted with their uniform, but uniquely fitted to their personas. The Dead Beat Drummer, Tiger Tuba, and...
Assistants: Rah Azul, Perla Serrano, Stephanie Moreno, Manny Velazquez, Karina Ceja. and many more. This mural was created based on the window and awning, bringing the mural into a 3rd dimension and awakening the...
2 panels. A detailed, pastel underwater scene full of weird creatures.
Photo: © Robin Dunitz
The scene is of students congregating on campus, involved in various school activities. Dyer, a self-taught artist, was an alumnus of the school.
Photo: © Robin Dunitz
Designed by Ric Danay and created by Art Neri and Sylvia Montana. Nature's interconnectedness is celebrated in this American Indian story inspired by nyth and spirituality. The thunderbird links a central kachina mask...
Students supervised by artist Betty Dore. A landscape populated by a diverse assortment of animals co-existing peacefully, juxtaposed with signs advertising food and furniture. This school is attended by boys...
Play on words and satire are used to illustrate some of the contradictions and social ills of our contemporary "900 number society." In one panel the image of a homeless man on a park bench is juxtaposed with...
A famiily is in the center tempted by negative influences on one side and positive influences on the other.
Photo: © Robin Dunitz
4 panels. Although the artist was Hungarian, the mural's subject matter was drawn from Mexican/Chicano history and culture.
Photo: © Robin Dunitz
Artists: Alfredo de Batuc, assisted by Arutyun Arutyunian, Johanna Coleman, Arlen Guiterrez, and James Stubbs. A portrait of the scuessful Latin actress (1906- 1983) featured in more than 50 English- and Spanish -...
West LA, Santa Monica, Venice