5149 W Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016. (click to view)
The diversity of people infected with the AIDS virus is depicted through five silhouetted figures, plus an African American mother holding her young child, and a black and Latino man embracing. The Minority AIDS Project was founded in 1985 to serve African Americans and other people of color who have AIDS or are HIV positive. It provides such services as counseling, emergency funding, medical referrals, immigration information, and education. Artists: Supervisor, Mary-Linn Hughes and Reginald Larue Zachary, figure painting by Tammy Moritz, assisted by Karen Akamine, Amoke, Ramona Bell, Bob Deden, Sybil Grinnell, Mary Lou Hughes, Cindi Madere, Barbara Morgolies, Sherri Morris, Christine Wada, Ronnie Welch, the Bumpers family. Sponsored and commissioned by SPARC. Photo: © Robin Dunitz