Pasadena City College, Harbeson Hall, interior.1570 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106. (click to view)
Wild animals in a lush jungle setting. Dore chose this subject in order to encourage people to become active environmentalists.
"Where is man without the beasts?
If the beasts were gone, men would die
from a great loneliness of spirit.
For whatever happens to the beasts soon happens to man.
All things are connected.
This we know.
The earth does not belong to man;
man belongs to the earth.
This we know.
All things are connected
like the blood which unites one family.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth.
Man did no weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself." - Chief Seattle
Photo: © Ian Robertson-Salt